Saturday, June 21, 2014


It's been a wonderful summer so far!

Sketching at Rachel's lacrosse games...

... and banquet.

Girls at the 98.7 AMP Live concert

Rachel's re-election campaign poster

It was Mulan's 16th birthday a few days ago!

One Direction doodles for my online store! (They're the only thing that sells haha)

Finally, a the beginnings of a fashion illustration i'm hoping to paint soon!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What time is it? SUMMER TIME

It's hard to believe my first year at Ringling is already over! 

 My favorite class this semester was Figure Drawing for Computer Animation. Katy Betz is an amazing professor, you can check out her artwork here!

Our animal unit included field trips to the Sarasota Jungle Gardens and Big Cat Habitat! It was great getting to sketch from observation, especially with big animals like lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!). 

Our last assignment was to take an animal we had observed on location and turn it into a character. The flamingo I followed around at the Jungle Gardens was very easily frazzled!

Just for fun, here's a development page from that drawing. 

Two more simple illustrations- this time focused on drapery and line economy. 

Sketches from life. The models had some really fun costumes!

Another sketch from life painted digitally. 

Drawing 2... we had to design a room for a known character. Guess who?

Studying 3 point perspective

3D Design was definitely my toughest class, but one i'll never forget! Our final project was a character sculpt (above) and matching environment (below). 

Onwards to personal work!

Sketches of some of the CA seniors. We'll miss you!

For whatever reason, Into the Woods is always the soundtrack to finals week... i'd love to do a full set of these someday!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Sketches from our trip to Islands of Adventure back in January. 

More character concepts for 3D!

Doodles & some notes from figure. 

Animal drawing!

We killed some time in Drawing 2 before break by working on monsters under the bed! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Flour sack final

Here's my final flour sack animation! There are a lot of things i'd like to fix, but there's only so many hours in a day... regardless, this project has definitely prepped me for our final unit (designing and animating an animal!)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Woah, we're halfway there...

Where on EARTH is the semester going? February has flown and i'm looking forward to heading home for the week! (Although i'm not expecting to get much rest... I have a few auditions to attend & lots of personal artwork that needs to get done!)

First of all, #ThrowbackThursday... my invented car from last semester! I had always intended to redo the background but i've had to let this one go. 

We've made considerable progress in Figure... an anatomical reductive series focusing on the essence of the pose. 

And our most recent unit focusing on facial expressions! We start animals tomorrow (complete with trips to local zoos) and i'm very excited about it!

This project has been the bane of my existence for nearly a month now, but it's finally done! We had to sculpt a proportional figure with all the muscles in the body. I am definitely NOT a master sculptor, but i'm still pretty happy with my effort. 

Now i'm working on concepts for our final project, an original character in an environment. I'm definitely excited for this one!

Continuing on with the mermaid theme... I just love Attina!

I challenged myself this month to participate every day in Sketch Dailies... over 10,000 artists receive a prompt every morning and draw what comes to mind! Above are a few of my favorite drawings from this month.